Willie Wipeout

Corpus Christi Beaches Are In Danger Of Being Closed To Vehicular Traffic. This would end a long tradition of families, surfers, fishermen, beachcombers and others of parking anywhere on the beach they wanted to, and with all their gear.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Willie Wipeout In Port A Daze

Willie Bums Out The Punks!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Willie Wipeout 1971!
These three picture panels are the first Willy Wipeout cartoons, done in 1971 in Santa Barbara. Unfortunately one of my lame friends placed a cold, wet beer on top of some of the pages and the non-permanent felt tip pen ink which I used to draw these with ran! The originals are not easily restorable but I did touch it up a bit on the computer so it was possible to see the damaged areas.
I also just noticed I spelled 'Willie' with an 'ie' on the end back then and in recent times that became Willy with a 'y' at the end. Hmmm...I think I will go back to the 'ie!'